Oz TV Wiki
Oz TV Wiki

The Irish are a minority gang in Oz as few members of this gang are shown in show. They are led undisputedly by Ryan O'Reily throughout the show.

The Irish tend to ally with The Homeboys and The Italians for drug trade on various occasion, but behind their back, Ryan manipulates them to go against each other. They also have 2 dirty COs working for them: Mike Healy in season 1 and Claire Howell for a brief time in season 4.

They also tend collaborate with the The Bikers and with individuals such as Tobias Beecher and Chris Keller due to Ryan's personal friendship. 

Plot Summary[]

Season 1[]

  • Episode 1.1 "The Routine" - Ryan O'Reily arrives in Oz, he plots revenge on Dino Ortolani for shooting him the previous year. He attempts to get The Homeboys to kill Ortolani but fails it but then finds out Ortolani beat up Billie Keane a gay inmate who tried to come on to Dino which then O'Reily manages to hire Johnny Post to kill him.
  • Episode 1.2 "Visits, Conjugal and Otherwise" - O'Reily moves to Emerald City and is pressured by Nino Schibetta to have him find out Dino's killer, when O'Reily is interrogated by Lenny Burrano, he then tells Nino Johnny Post killed Nino.
  • Episode 1.3 "God's Chillin" - As Jefferson Keane finds out about O'Reily getting Johnny killed, O'Reily and officer Mike Healy plot against Jefferson Keane by using 2 Latino inmates to kill Keane but 1 Latino gets killed by Keane going on Death Row.
  • Episode 1.5 "Straight Life" - O'Reily is forced by Nino to sell drugs for him and eliminate Officer Healy out of the drug trade. O'Reily manipulates Ronald Poklewaldt to rat out him and Healy.
  • Episode 1.6 "To Your Health" - O'Reily and Adebisi form an alliance to get rid of Nino.
  • Episode 1.7 "Plan B" - As O'Reily and Adebisi go ahead with their plan having Nino killed, they stuff ground glass in his food and take over his drug operation.

Season 2[]

  • Episode 2.2 "Ancient Tribes" - After the riot, Tim McManus re opened Emerald City, O'Reily becomes cellmates with Timmy Kirk another Irish inmate who is short timely the right hand man to O'Reily and look to take out Adebisi and the Italians. O'Reily tries to befriend with Peter, Nino's son by telling him that Adebisi took out his father on his own. O'Reily is later diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • Episode 2.3 "Great Men" - O'Reily goes ahead with his chemotherapy to Benchley memorial with the help of Dr. Gloria Nathan who Ryan begins to fall in love with.
  • Episode 2.5 "Family Bizness" - Cyril O'Reily comes in to visit his brother Ryan, Ryan orders Cyril to have Gloria's husband killed.
  • Episode 2.6 "Strange Bedfellows" - Cyril is later arrested for the murder of Preston and is sent to Oz.
  • Episode 2.7 "Animal Farm" - Cyril is Unit B and is lured by Vernon Schillinger by telling him he can take him to see Ryan but is raped by Schillinger, when O'Reily finds out it causes a war between the Aryans and the Irish.
  • Episode 2.8 "Escape from Oz" - O'Reily makes a deal with McManus to have Cyril transferred to Emerald City if he turns himself in for conspiracy to commit murder of Preston Nathan and have his blood donated to officer Eugene Rivera who got blind eyed by Miguel Alvarez.

Season 3[]

  • Episode 3.1 "The Truth and Nothing But..." - O'Reily manipulates the Bikers against the Aryan brotherhood by getting brass knuckles shipped in on his name to have Jaz Hoyt to get them in for him. O'Reily uses Hoyt to kill Schillinger but it fails and Jaz is in the hole.
  • Episode 3.3 "Legs" - As Tim McManus hires Sean Murphy as Supervising CO of Emerald City, Ryan sees things going up. Cyril represents the Irish in the boxing match and goes up against James Robson who represents the Aryans. O'Reily puts chloral hydrate in Robson's water which then Cyril beats Robson in the boxing match.
  • Episode 3.4 "Unnatural Disasters" - O'Reily goes along with Chris Keller & Tobias Beecher to manipulate Andy to go against his father when he is in Emerald City.
  • Episode 3.5 "U.S Male" - William Cudney tries to do everything to stop Cyril boxing and O'Reily then beats up Cudney and tells him to never talk to Cyril again.
  • Episode 3.6 "Cruel and Unusual Punishments" - Cudney threatens to tell the prison staff about Ryan spiking the fighters waters who he wanted to lose, Ryan then sees Yuri Kosygin and pays him to murder Cudney. Cyril faces off against Chucky Pancamo for a boxing match and Ryan spikes Chucky's water with heroin. Which causes Nikolai Stanislofsky being suspicious over Ryan.
  • Episode 3.8 "Out o' Time" - After the prison is off lockdown after the war between the Aryans and the Muslims, Cyril and Hamid Khan face off but when Stanislofsky snitches on O'Reily for spiking his opponent's waters he is caught out by Officer Murphy. As Khan is all over Cyril, Ryan uses their dad to think of during the fight which then Cyril wins but then brain damages Khan.

Season 4[]

  • Episode 4.1 "A Cock and Balls Story" - Hamid Khan is taken off life support which causes Cyril to have nightmares and Ryan starts self harming himself on purpose to get himself in hospital to see Dr. Nathan.
  • Episode 4.2 "Obituaries" - Ryan and Stanislofsky start a rivalry against each other when Cyril tells him that he has Ralph Galino's cell phone, Ryan forms an alliance with Galino, but then Galino is murdered by Hoyt.
  • Episode 4.5 "Gray Matter" - Patrick Keenan is in prison for the rape of Gloria Nathan and is in Unit B as Timmy Kirk's cellmate. Keenan and Hoyt start getting into fights in Unit B. Keenan meets Ryan and has interest in working for the O'Reily brothers.
  • Episode 4.6 "A Word to the Wise" - Keenan and Ryan meet in the gym and he is telling Ryan about what he did to Dr. Nathan. Ryan then gets his revenge and kills him with a free weight with Zahir Arif watching in the background.
  • Episode 4.9 "Medium Rare" - Ryan and Cyril meet Jack Eldridge who wrote a story about their criminal activities. After Ryan manipulates Omar White into killing Eldridge, he uses Cyril as his cellmate for the night in Adebisi's old cell, Ryan has his other lieutenant Liam Meaney watching over the window as Ryan couldn't see. Cyril somewhat remembers Jack Eldridge before his brain damage and beats him badly.
  • Episode 4.10 "Conversions" - Gloria Nathan asks Ryan about the murder of Patrick Keenan, Ryan admits that he deserved to die after what happened to her.
  • Episode 4.14 "Orpheus Descending" - Jia Kenmin is hospitalised by Cyril when Jia starts attacking Ryan in the gym. Padraig Connolly is in Emerald City as Meaney's cellmate, Ryan does everything he can to get him on his side.
  • Episode 4.15 "Even the Score" - Ryan, Connolly & Meaney have a chat about what happened in Ireland that he watched 14 civilians get killed by British soldiers. Connolly tells Ryan that they should blow up Emerald City.
  • Episode 4.16 "Famous Last Words" - Cyril is back in Emerald City and Ryan has a change of heart and tries to talk Connolly out of blowing up Emerald City. As Connolly starts to attempt to self destruct himself and Emerald City it turns out the bomb is fake and he gets taken by the S.O.R.T team.

Season 5[]

  • Episode 5.1 "Visitation" - O'Reily is being investigated over Keenan's murder and he denies it not know Arif went to the Warden against him, so Ryan uses Martin Montgomery to go to Leo Glynn to tell him that he saw Henry Stanton kill him.
  • Episode 5.2 "Laws of Gravity" - As Montgomery starts to demand for more payments off Ryan, Ryan then will go to Stanton and tell him that Montgomery set him up to put him out of commission, Meaney will then plant Patrick Keenan's luck necklace in Montgomery's cell.
  • Episode 5.3 "Dream a Little, Dream of Me" - Jia Kenmin is out of hospital and he plots against the O'Reily brothers, Li Chen becomes a new inmate and they plan to take out Ryan.
  • Episode 5.4 "Next Stop, Valhalla" - Jia tells Ryan that Li wants to rape his mother, however they use Glen Shupe for the plan, however Ryan retaliates at Li and Cyril stabs Li Chen to death causing for a death penalty for him. Shupe and Jia refused to co operate what really happened.
  • Episode 5.6 "Variety" - Ryan forms an alliance with the Latinos to amputate Shupe and in exchange for him to get Jia killed.
  • Episode 5.7 "Good Intentions" - Ryan starts to get in a fight with Jia but when the guards stop it they are attacked by Jia Kenmin causing him to go to solitary. Ryan tells Tom Robinson that Jia thinks all the CO's are pussies, Jia is beaten to death by the CO's.

Season 6[]

  • Episode 6.1 "Dead Man Talking" - Ryan confronts Shupe about his testimony, Shupe then changes his testimony but the death penalty for Cyril remains as Shupe is known to be a compulsive liar.
  • Episode 6.6 "A Day in the Death" - Jahfree Neema arranges for all inmates to bang on the window for the support of Cyril not to be executed, however the execution is postponed.
  • Episode 6.7 "Junkyard Dawgs" - Seamus O'Reily (father of Cyril and Ryan) is now an inmate in Oz.
  • Episode 6.8 "Exeunt Omnes" - Seamus and Ryan have a rivalry in the cafeteria and fronts to Neema, Seamus then would try and order Schillinger to kill Neema but Schillinger declines it. Seamus then attempts to kill Neema but then Seamus is stabbed causing Neema to be in the hole. Cyril's execution goes ahead. Ryan works in the ER and makes peace with his father.

ZO - short film[]

  • "ZO" - It is unknown who leads the Irish gang, Ryan O'Reily is released from prison after a police officer who testified against him was sent to prison for shooting a 10 year old kid to death and the governor pardoned him release in that result. Seamus died 2 weeks before Ryan's release. With also Tobias Beecher pardoned for his release with the help of his mother, Ryan O'Reily tracks down Beecher to settle a score against him.

Members []



Picture Name Seasons Status Overview
Ryan O'Reily
Ryan O'Reily 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Released

O'Reily has lead the Irish from 1997-2024. O'Reily got pardoned released from the Governor as a police officer who testified against him got sent to prison for murdering a 10 year old boy.

Cyril O'Reily 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Deceased

Cyril was Ryan's handicapped brother who was a gangster before his accident. Cyril was later executed on a electric chair in 2003.

Other members[]

Picture Name Seasons Status Overview
Timmy Kirk
Timmy Kirk 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Deceased

Timmy Kirk was Ryan's lieutenant in 1998. He was transferred to Unit B in 1999 and left the Irish to join the Christians. He was electrocuted by Jaz Hoyt.

Philip Featherstone 2, 3 Inactive

Philip Featherstone was an inmate at Em City as one of Ryan's bodyguards.

Liam Meaney
Liam Meaney 3, 4, 5, 6 Active

Meaney was one of Ryan's lieutenants and most trusted soldiers.

Patrick Keenan 4 Deceased

Keenan was sent to Oz in 2000 for raping Dr. Nathan. He was killed with a free weight dumbbell by Ryan O'Reily.

Padraig Connolly
Padraig Connolly 4 Inactive

Connolly was sent to Oz for illegal entry to the United States. He was deported back to his country after trying to blow up Emerald City with a fake bomb.

Daniel Meehan
Daniel Meehan 5, 6 Deceased

Father Meehan was an Irish-American priest. He became Ryan O'Reily's cellmate and supported him through his brother's appeal. Meehan later died of Aneurysm.

Seamus O'Reily 3, 4, 5, 6 Deceased

Seamus is the father of Ryan and Cyril who occasionally visited them. In 2003, Seamus was sent to Oz for second degree murder. Seamus died 2 weeks before his son's release.

Corrupt officials[]

Picture Name Seasons Status Overview
Mike Healy 1 Inactive

Mike Healy was a corrupt CO who was friends with the O'Reily brothers and had O'Reily selling drugs for him until Hay and O'Reily get busted.

Murders committed by The Irish[]





Timmy Kirk's child Timmy Kirk Left for dead in a dumpster infested with rats. 1996
2 unnamed construction worker Ryan O'Reily Ran over in his car while under intoxication. 1997
Nino Schibetta Ryan O'Reily & Simon Adebisi Killed to take over Nino's operation in Oz. 1997
Preston Nathan Cyril O'Reily Garrotted on Ryan's orders. 1998
Hamid Khan Cyril O'Reily Beaten badly during the boxing match. 1999
Patrick Keenan Ryan O'Reily Killed for raping Gloria Nathan. 2000
Li Chen Cyril O'Reily Killed for attacking Ryan and attempting to raped Suzanne. 2002
Unnamed worker Seamus O'Reily Got his colleague to throw an empty heavy car at the man. 2003
OZ Gangs

The Aryans - The Bikers - The Christians - The Gays - The Homeboys - The Irish - The Italians - The Latinos - The Muslims - The Others
