Nurse Jackie was a TV series on Showtime created by Liz Brixius, Evan Dunsky and Linda Wallem.
- Edie Falco played protagonist Jackie Peyton in Nurse Jackie and C.O. Diane Witttlesey in Oz.
- Bobby Cannavale played Dr. Miguel Cruz in Nurse Jackie and a ruthless gay prisoner and leader of the Gays Alonzo Torquemada in Oz.
- Seth Gilliam played Dr. Lindsey on episode "Candyland" in Nurse Jackie and C.O and prisoner Clayton Hughes in Oz.
- Curtis McLaren played Mr. Morgan on episode "Love Jungle" in Nurse Jackie and C.O Lawrence Smith in Oz.
- Steve Gevedon played a businessman on episode "Mitten" in Nurse Jackie and Aryan and Biker leader Scott Ross in Oz.
- MuMs played Wayne on episode "Deal" in Nurse Jackie and Homeboy member Poet in Oz.