Oz TV Wiki

Anthony Nowakowski is a Polish correctional officer at Oz. He is portrayed by Matthew Brandon Ross.

Season 1[]

He starts out as a replacement and works in Emerald City, Diane Wittlesey shows him the ropes and he asks her if they have any celebs and she tells him that there is Jackson Vahue, Kareem Said and Eugene Dobbins.

He is later held hostage in the riot and then he gets killed by the S.O.R.T team along with Officer Hunt and some prisoners.

Correctional officers

Diane Wittlesey - Sean Murphy - Claire Howell - Jason Armstrong - Joseph Mineo - Karl Metzger - Eugene Rivera - Andrea Phelan - Clayton Hughes - Len Lopresti - Adrian Johnson - Travis Smith - Dave Brass - Gordon Wood - Tom Robinson - Roger Brese - Rick Heim - Eddie Hunt - Anthony Nowakowski - Lawrence Smith - Joseph Howard - Vic D'Agnasti
